Understanding the Foundations of Andean Cosmovision
My intention is to present a simple yet clear view of the wisdom traditions of the Andean world—rich with history, culture, and insights...

What is Shamanism?
Shamanism is an ancient healing tradition and moreover, a way of life. It is a way to connect with nature and all of creation.

Unleash Your Inner Warrior: Embracing the Archetype of Strength and Purpose
In the journey of life, there exists an archetype that embodies strength, purpose, and unwavering determination. It's the warrior.

Llankay: The path
Little that I knew at that time, I was calling-in the Warrior archetype.
In shamanism, there are 4 archetypes that will help us elevate our

Embracing the Awakening: A Journey of Holistic Health and Spiritual Transformation
IMAGINE: "A vibrant community with its own unique energy, where people are ready to welcome change into their lives and explore...

Why Shamanism?
I remember the time in my early 20s when I felt lost, angry, and hopeless. I was using all kinds of drugs, and I felt like I didn't want...

Journey to the Center of Your Heart: The Benefits of Our Chakana Program
As I began to explore different spiritual practices and wisdom traditions, I discovered powerful ideas and concepts of indigenous...

Magical Thinking for the Modern World: Become the Change You Wish to See in the World
As a shamanic practitioner and spiritual teacher, I have always believed in the power of our thoughts and the magic of the universe...

The Future of Shamanism
Welcome Rainbow Warrior! In this post, we will explore the ways in which shamanism can help us to expand our consciousness, live in...

Shamanism in modern times
But shamanism is not just about personal growth and self-discovery. It is also a path of service, of contributing to the well-being of...

The Galactic Indigenous Consciousness: A Path to Unity and Harmony
Through the stories and teachings of the indigenous peoples, we will discover how to tap into the power of the Galactic Indigenous Conscious

A Journey of Self-Discovery, Healing and Transformation"
"The Power of the Vision Quest: A Story of Courage and Purpose" With great Love and Respect I want to dedicate this post to all the...