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Llankay: The path

Writer's picture: Soniko 🐦‍⬛ WairaSoniko 🐦‍⬛ Waira

Updated: 3 days ago

Huyayay Rainbow Warrior,

I am another you,

I remember it was 2 decades ago when I made the decision to change my life for good!

In those days, I was just coming out of one of the most painful times I have experienced - it showed me very clearly what I don't want for my life and it was the catalyst to my commitment from my heart to change my situation.

As a result of that decision, in 2003 I was introduced to the beautiful path of indigenous consciousness that led me to my first vision quest.

That was the beginning of a profound journey that started with a conscious choice - to go in a different direction, guided by a vision… but first I had to find it.

So I began my conscious walk...

Back then, I felt uncomfortable with the idea of going to a faraway place on a 5-day bus ride, from Ecuador to the south of Chile to go to a remote area where I sit in solitude, fasting for 4 days.

My intention was clear - to connect with my sacred path.

To be honest. I was really afraid of the unknown, because that was the first time I traveled by land to a different country, but in preparation for this pilgrimage I came up with a strategy - I wanted to start with a few small steps to get ready for the journey and to feel more confident.

To begin, I went on short walks to the local parks and sit with my back lining on big trees, meditating and imagining myself enjoying the adventure.

Then, I went camping for a few days to other places even farther from home, looking for waterfalls and other water streams to cleanse off my fear and then, meditate and visualize myself returning from my fast. I saw myself feeling good and inspired.

The last step before the trip (this was a big one), I hiked my first mountain, all the way to the top - where I shared my intention with the Apu (mountain spirit) and asked for his support along my quest.

Little that I knew at that time, I was calling-in the Warrior archetype.

In shamanism, there are 4 archetypes that will help us elevate our vibration towards bliss and joy.

The Warrior is the first archetype we call when we stat our path towards self-empowerment, to heal ourselves and to help us move out of our comfort zone. The warrior brings in the courage to take the necessary actions that will lead us towards the desired destination.

The warrior also questions everything and acts with intelligence and assertiveness until he achieves his or her goal.

That’s why I love working with this frequency.

As I continue to walk as teacher and mentor in the shamanic path, this archetype inspires me to offer different warrior trainings, creating opportunities to contribute to the awakening of the warrior spirit that lays dormant within.

These trainings are dedicated to everyone seeking to transform their lives and embody their own divinity.

I believe NOW is always the time to act and if you resonate with my energy and this call, I am here, to accompany you along your process of self-empowerment to become the best version that you can be.

That’s why today, I want to share with you this opportunity - to be initiated into the wisdom path… “your own path”.

Let’s co-create together an intentional time-space for your magical transformation.

What if I told you everything you seek is already within yourself but to connect with this wisdom you need a Llankay (a path)

"LLANKAY' is doing what you need to do, and going where you need to go (emotionally) to activate your capacity to resolve and overcome any obstacle. Llankay is to choose consciously every step of the way and to be responsible for those choices.

From illness to health, from chaos to harmony, and from uncertainty to empowerment. As shamans we know, there is a path we must walk if we want to leave our comfort zone to experience a pure state of Grace.

Would you like to learn how the shamanic path can help you in your quest for personal development?

Here is your invitation to be part of my next shamanic training that starts every Solstice and every Equinox.

This is a 90-day container designed to help you learn, interpret and integrate an extraordinary set of shamanic teachings that will help you develop your own medicine, opening your perception of reality and expand your consciousness to experience your life with Joy and Purpose.

Also, as part of this one year container there will be a few opportunities to go on amazing pilgrimages to Ecuador, Peru, Mexico and Canada to meet my mentors and to experience these teachings first hand, as we walk and connect with the Apus and sacred sites.

These teachings are a combination of the wisdom that comes from the Condor of the Andes and the Eagle of Turtle Island and are the result of 2 decades of studies, training and preparation to meet these challenging times.

Imagine what would life be like,

To embody your divinity and become a conscious creator of your own reality and as you journey into the center of your heart, you will meet others on a similar path, sharing your experiences and developing a medicine community that supports your growth.

If the answer is a heartfelt f@ck yes!

I want to invite you to visit the page of the WarriorQuest if you want to have a bird’s view of what would be like to take on this shamanic journey.

I look forward to meet you and co-create together our most powerful year so far!

Are you ready?

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