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“Self-discovery, healing and transformation learning rituals and teachings from the core of the Indigenous Consciousness

Are you ready
to awaken the Warrior
within yourself?


Discover your Power

Join us for the Valhalla Warrior, a full-day shamanic pilgrimage to Gimli peak in the stunning Valhalla mountain range and provincial park in Slocan, BC, Canada.

"This journey is an experience of applied ancestral knowledge and wisdom".

During these journey our group will be guided by Soniko Waira

This adventure is designed to ignite your inner fire and deepen your connection to self.

Welcome to the Kootenay region of BC, Canada,

a land teeming with natural beauty and magical power.

We invite you to embark on a transformative experience, a Warrior's Quest and a shamanic pilgrimage into the Valhalla provincial park, hiking up to Gimli peak to explore the profound connection between Nature, our body and the Spirit world to activate our Soul's path, ignite our inner power and to integrate the energies of abundance and prosperity in our lives.


A spiritual adventure

During this profound and transformative experience, we invite you to explore the depths of your being with the guidance of sacred plants that have been used for centuries as tools for self-discovery, healing, and expanded consciousness. With their assistance, you will have the opportunity to embark on a journey of profound introspection, inner exploration, and personal growth.


Our main focus is to offer you continued growth and community engagement before and after every experience, that's why we invite you to join our VisionaryTRiBE and start your journey today!

This journey includes:

To ensure your journey is supported every step of the way, we provide a comprehensive package of inclusions:

✨ Guided shamanic pilgrimage / sacred hike to Gimli ridge:

✨ Transportation from Slocan to the trailhead and back: Rest assured, we have your travel needs covered. We'll arrange comfortable transportation from Slocan to the base of the trail, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the experience without any logistical worries.

✨ Nourishing food and drinks at our celebratory gathering back at camp: After the exhilarating hike and transformative moments on the mountain, we gather together to celebrate and reflect. Indulge in delicious, nourishing meals and beverages that replenish your body and soul, creating a sense of community and connection.

Plant medicine guidance and integration support: Our experienced facilitators and guides will be there to offer you personalized guidance and support throughout the journey. They will provide a safe container, ensuring your experience with the plant medicine is held in a sacred and nurturing space. Additionally, our integration support will help you integrate the insights and revelations gained from the journey into your daily life, facilitating long-lasting transformation.

Weekly Zoom group calls for ongoing connection and support: We believe in the power of community and ongoing support. Join our weekly Zoom group calls where you can connect with fellow participants, share your experiences, and receive guidance from our knowledgeable facilitators. These calls foster a sense of belonging and provide a space for continued growth and accountability on your journey.

✨ Shamanic Dreams e-book: A transformative journey to self-empowerment. Explore ancient wisdom, awaken your true self, and harness the power within the heart for holistic healing. By Soniko Waira.

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Access to our SeedQuest visionary virtual retreat: To further deepen your transformative journey, you will gain exclusive access to our SeedQuest 14-day visionary process. This online program is designed to enhance self-reflection, ignite creative inspiration, and unlock your visionary potential. Engage with thought-provoking exercises, meditations, and journaling prompts that will guide you on a path of personal growth and expansion.

One-year basic membership at our VisionaryTRiBE: By joining the Valhalla Warrior pilgrimage, you become an esteemed member of our VisionaryTRiBE community. This one-year basic membership grants you access to a wealth of resources, workshops, events, and a supportive network of like-minded individuals who are also on a path of purpose, creativity, and conscious evolution.

And many more benefits for the years to come!


Shamanic Adventure
Full day experience

Through your commitment to the warrior's quest, you will experienced profound personal growth. You will confront your fears, healed past wounds, and discovered the depths of your own potential.


Embrace this opportunity to dive deep into the realms of self-exploration, expand your consciousness, and discover the warrior within. The Valhalla Warrior pilgrimage is your invitation to step into your power, harness your inner fire, and embark on a journey of personal empowerment and transformation.

Secure your spot today and prepare for an extraordinary adventure that will forever leave an imprint on your soul.

Reach out to us through private message for any further inquiries.

We are excited to welcome you into the VisionaryTRiBE

and embark on this life-changing pilgrimage together!

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Got more questions?

Join the VisionaryTRiBE on Telegram

I'd love to meet you and tell you more about this magical journey. 



Get updates about our journeys!


Valhalla Warrior's Quest

Aug 06, 7:00 a.m. PDT | Valhalla Provincial Park

Are you ready to awaken the warrior within?

Observe without reacting, and move decisively with intelligence!

Discover your power

Book a call


We kindly ask you to carefully read and understand the following disclaimer before considering participation in the Valhalla Warrior Shamanic Pilgrimage organized by the VisionaryTRiBE.

Personal Responsibility: Participation in the Valhalla Warrior Shamanic Pilgrimage is entirely voluntary. It is important to recognize that this transformative experience involves personal exploration, introspection, and potential emotional and psychological challenges. Participants are responsible for their own well-being, mental health, and decision to engage in the journey.

Medical Considerations: Prior to joining the pilgrimage, it is strongly advised that participants consult with a qualified healthcare professional regarding any pre-existing medical conditions, medications, or potential contraindications. Certain health conditions or medications may not be compatible with the use of plant medicines or the physical demands of the hike.

Risks and Safety: Engaging in outdoor activities, such as hiking, involves inherent risks and hazards. Participants should be physically

Legal Compliance: It is essential to comply with all local, provincial, and national laws regarding the use of plant medicines and psychedelics. The VisionaryTRiBE does not promote or condone any illegal activities or the misuse of substances. Participants are responsible for their own actions and should act in accordance with the law.

Furthermore, the VisionaryTRiBE and its programs are not affiliated with any religious or spiritual organization and do not promote any specific belief system (BS).

The teachings and practices offered are intended to be inclusive and respectful of all individuals and their personal beliefs.

We encourage you to use your own judgement, and to consult with a qualified professional before making any decision that may impact your health, finances or well-being.

By participating in the VisionaryTRiBE programs, you acknowledge and accept these terms and conditions.

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