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Awakening The Visionary Human

The Magical Journey Of Conscious Co-Creation

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"Discover to How To Unleash Your True Being in Co-creation With The Universe, Feeling Connected And



In These 3 Day Experience You'll Learn About The Wisdom Path And How This Ancient Indigenous Way of Consciousness Can Help You Manifest The Life You Are Here To Experience!  

And Get Started With Pre-Masterclass Training Right Now!



Are you looking to actualize a shamanic path in alignment with your heart?



Have you been walking the lone wolf path and you're ready to connect with  your TRiBE?


Would you love to have the support of a conscious community that is in the same process as you?


Do you feel called to develop the skills, gather the tools and invite the training and the mentorship that you need to be able to hold sacred space for others?


Are you seeking the confidence to walk your spiritual truth?



If so, you're going to love the HeartQuest Masterclass that is decoding Earth's Indigenous Consciousness as a wholistic path to self-mastery.

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Are you ready to co-create a better future for yourself, your family and the world? 

then, let me show you how I can help you!

Northern Lights

Huyayay my dear relative,

I am another you, You are another me.

My name is Soniko Waira,
I'm the founder of the

I am a Father, Artist, Musician and Visionary, walking the sacred path of "the wise human". ​


I help Visionary Artists, Healers, Space-holders, Conscious Parents and Conscious Entrepreneurs to learn the magical ways of indigenous wisdom to inspire their creative process, so they may channel the frequencies of this New Golden Era for humanity.


For the past couple of decades, I have been an apprentice of traditional indigenous wisdom-keepers from South, Central and North America, learning from different ceremonial ways about shamanism, because I wanted to understand the magical processes in which healing and transformation takes place.


That's why I am holding this virtual learning space with the purpose to share these principles of ancient wisdom to show you a powerful path that can serve you along your journey.


If you are striving to connect with a vision that gives you purpose, to gain confidence in your gifts and turn them into a creative force for your life...


Let me guide you on your quest to the center of your heart...





In This Shamanic Masterclass We Will Explore
The Foundation Of The Heart

A "Sacred Path" inspired by the fulfillment of ancient prophecies.


The First one is the "Andean prophecy of the Eagle , the Condor and the Quetzal


The Second is the "Hopi prophecy of the Rainbow Warriors" 


Both are visions about the beginning of a new Golden Era for humanity.


The time is Now.




Northern Lights

Here's how
it works

In this 3-part live virtual event, I'll share the core teachings of shamanic indigenous wisdom that will help you expand your vision and activate your Magical Thinking. These teachings are the foundation for our visionary school.


* To participate,


Join this MASTERCLASS as "our guest" or, you can also choose to unlock the VIP Experience, available when you join our VisionaryTRiBE.


* Enter the members area to have access to more tools and other resources.


After 3 days, of 90 minutes each class, you'll be able to see clear how to to create your own reality with confidence.

Group Travel

Don't Just Take My Word For It. Here's WHAT PEOPLE HAVE TO SAY...


" Soniko is a gifted visionary and has created a very powerful way to support dreams and visions from the heart to birth in to reality! With his clear heart mapping expressing your deepest hearts longings, coinciding with the journey work tapping in to the unconscious, he holds space as a gentle guide to help you awaken to your soul purpose for your earth work!". -- Kiara Astara 


"Soniko’s work is beautiful and powerful. An alliance between ancient traditional knowledge from native cultures and a new consciousness centered on community from the heart, unity and freedom. Talented musician and visionary artist, Soniko shares his gifts with generosity, humility and presence from the heart. The Heart Map Experience is a beautiful invitation to humanity to be conscious and to learn how to manifest our most sacred visions. Shamanic journeys are simply powerful. I give thanks for what I received from these experiences. I’ve seen concrete changes in my life and empowerment. I wish you to meet Soniko’s medicine".

-- AlexSandra BeauLieu


"Soniko brings a beautiful presence and Love to his work. We all have embody our hearts calling to create the more beautiful world that we want to inhabit. Soniko is doing exactly this and I'm deeply grateful that he is a part of my community". -- David Max


"I really liked: Most of all, your energy and your honesty! Although you were the one giving the presentation it felt that you saw the event more as a partnership than a teacher-student relationship. The way you explained that you were offering this as part of the gift economy. It obviously came from your heart, and I found this very inspiring". -- Mathew R


"In June, I attended Soniko's Heart mapping Workshop, and I was very impressed how, using ceremony, ancient wisdom and intuition, he conveyed the unique ways in which we can creatively tap into universal energy and our own heart's inner landscape. This is a powerful journey and I encourage you all to experience it! "

-- Talis Shae


"I entered into this saying I was not sure I needed or wanted any map for my heart or life, but so many beautiful thoughts and ideas were presented in a way that provoked new and important feelings and direction. I left wanting to explore these ideas feeling positive about going forward. As well as this I learnt some wonderful new teachings on broader topics all told from a informed, interesting and smiling perspective. Thank you for wanting to share your knowledge! "

-- Mary Pickering


"Soniko saying that if Spirit gives you a vision, you need to act, plus all the ceremony and initiation allowed me to take this step. Shaking in my boots, For all my relations." -- Margo


"Soniko, It's beautiful to witness and participate in the offering of your authentic being and creativity, and co-creating a new humanity. I look forward to seeing how all these heart vision manifest and weave a new reality" -- Heather Ives


"It was a beautiful experience. I'm walking away more centered, with a full heart and my ancestors whispering encouragements in my ear. I really appreciate your songs, and the pace and style that you led us. You helped fuel the fire in my heart. Thank you. From the bottom of my heart. Lost of Love"

-- Nicola

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Northern Lights

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These codes teach you about your capacity to observe and reflect, understand and manifest, and also, at the same time to be grateful towards Pachamama, Mother Existence, where time and space are generously intermingled, promoting life. 

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vision quest | collective development | self empowerment


© 2012-2022 by Soniko Waira.


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