Cacao Circle Vancouver
Time is TBD
A weekend heart experience dedicated to all people that want to learn a beautiful way to connect with others from the heart.
Time & Location
Time is TBD
Vancouver, Vancouver, BC, Canada
✨ About the Event
What is cacao?
It is powerful heart medicine used traditionally for thousands of years by indigenous cultures of Turtle Island, mainly the Maya and Mexica. They offered this medicine in the form a concoction, to welcome and honour their guests into their homes and their ceremonies; creating a sacred space container where people can feel safe, open their heart and experience an intimate connection. Now days, this medicine is reaching out into the world, opening powerful circles, sharing its beautiful vibrations and medicinal properties, assisting humanity in our awakening process
When we share cacao medicine we open a space of greater vision, turning our attention inwards. During the ceremony we explore the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual space we are at, the voices that inhabit us, the stories we tell ourselves, the memories we have kept, and also everything we have not digested yet in our life; and together in one heart help one another to heal our lives.
What is a cacao ceremony?
It is a beautiful ritual that invites us to feel openly, to give ourselves without reserves, to trust and to listen to the present moment.
When we drink cacao;
We're able to listen to ourselves; because when one speaks from the heart, one speaks from her/his truth; and from there it is possible to create a new reality.
It allows us to go deep into our inner world where we realize that the present is the most powerful time-space to live.
It invites us to feel our body and listen to our heart's desires.
**** Cacao medicine shared in ceremony connect us to the sweetness of our childhood, allowing us to discover and to connect with our own truth.
In the circle we learn and remember more about co-operation and community living, about giving and receiving... Here we have the opportunity to colour together our future.
The intention of this space is to bring together our group in ONE HEART, in conscious prayer and celebration for the new seeds we all carry in to this world.
"The Family that prays together, stays together"
Musician, Artist, Visionary, and walking the ways of "the wise human", Soniko is just like any other being on this Pachamama but his conscious walk has led him into a beautiful world of wonder and magic. He's a Kokopelli , a seed carrier. His purpose in life is to serve our planet, sharing these seeds of the new consciousness anywhere he goes, building bridges between the different worlds, connecting the ancient indigenous perspectives with the modern worldviews... In this way he co-creates the new galactic cosmovision of this new time with all his relations.