"Music is a gift!
It's my way to flowing
in harmony and beauty through life"
all my relations!
H U Y A Y A Y !

"Artist, Musician, Visionary, and walking the ways of " the wise human", Soniko's musical journey started in 1996, in the highest of the Andes.
His sound is a mix of different influences, rhythms and styles bringing to life the spirit of Turtle Island to our contemporary days. Soniko is just like any other being on this Pachamama (mother earth) but his conscious walk has led him into a beautiful world of wonder and magic.
He's a Kokopelli, a seed carrier. His purpose in life is to contribute to the expansion of human consciousness by sharing the seeds of a new harmonious galactic culture anywhere he goes, building bridges between the different worlds, connecting the ancient indigenous perspectives with the modern points of view...
In this way, he co-creates the new cosmovision of this new time, with all his relations".
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