Men, women and their mission.

The wise elders of the Tribe say that the positive mission of Men is to support Women. He must help her to purify herself and build enough prosperity, happiness and freedom in a path of knowledge so she may walk free in the world.
They also say that when the negative mission of a man is activated, his desire is to capture and possess a woman and lock her in a personal or family cage, either made of gold or iron bars, taking away her autonomy, her happiness and freedom in exchange of control and a jealous over protection.
The wise elders of the Tribe say that the positive mission of Women is to support Men to find his power so he may return to the Universal Source and until he self-discovers and realizes his most beloved dream to find his identity in the world and be reunited with the great truth he lost in ancient times. That is to serve his wife, his family, his tribe and the world in the "right way" until he integrates the Great Spirit within his Being.
When a Woman "activates" her negative Mission, she dedicates herself to trap unsuspecting men, seducing them and subjugating them with her beauty and her talents, for the benefit of her ego and superficial worldly interests ... Not to help him, nor to bless him, or to support him to find himself, and thus, neither he nor her will ever be able to leave the swamp of Samsara.
A woman is weak when she is trapped in emotions and hypersensitivity. A man is weak when he is trapped in his mind, in his rationality and skepticism. A Woman is the one who creates Life and has the power over Earth and Water. And although He builds houses of physical protection, She is who purifies, blesses, unifies and gives power to her home and Family to prosper.

A Woman has the power of the Earth, that is Abundance and productive Life. Since she has "more Water" or Love than men, therefore a good couple's secret is that a woman activates Peace, Generosity and Abundance in her Inner World, so she must support and bless her Man materially and spiritually, and thus, both will prosper and conquer Peace and Freedom faster.
A woman is beautiful and "very interesting" when her inner world is balanced and in her emotional body beats a Compassionate Heart, with "Clean Waters". If a Woman has "Transparent Water" in her heart, the "river of life" will support her to achieve Love, fluidity, and the life that she dreams, needs and deserves.
A Man is "very interesting" when he has his 4 elements in balance, although he is more related to Air and Fire. Man must have Pure Air and a clean focused mind, because he is more mental and must have a long-range vision that allows him to know where he comes from, where he is at and where he wants to go. He must move and show initiative because he leads the way and protects.

When in Man, his elements Air and Fire are clean and activated and when his Woman supports him in the Inner World, they will triumph and her family and offspring will be healthy and they both will be a great mutual support for their Tribe and for the Society in which they live.
If you Love "Your Woman" if you Love "Your Man" and if you both really want to activate Material Progress and Spiritual Evolution, you must learn to awaken your Inner World mutually.
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