Dear Child of Heaven

Dear child of the Earth,
The day you were born was marked as one of the happiest days of my life. That day I started to learn how to embody the Father archetype within my being.
From the centre of my heart, I want you to know that I am very thankful and honoured you chose me to assist you in your project to incarnate on this beautiful Pachamama; thereby, it's my promise to you that I will do everything in my power, to give always my best until my last breath, to show you with my example how to choose every day to love myself, to walk a path of beauty and self-discipline, to be a conscious creator of the world I want to live in and to pray about the future generations by working/playing every day manifesting my sacred vision, because I am a channel for LOVE in every action, in every step of the way.
Thank you, Wise Leader.
🌞 Your Dad.