Riley Woodland

Jan 23, 20195 min

Self-hood and The Trinities: Can We Embrace Balance?

Attention is both a form and a functional component of Life energy. It is arguably a central and True commodity because along with Perception, it directly influences how reality is experienced. Often a person bases the choice of what to give Attention to on one's own Perception, in fact doing this is all but instinct. If a person can take control of Perception internally it may enable them to assert influence onto the commodity of Attention within or without, and in doing so, realign with an authentic experience of the journey to Self-hood and a more stable future for Humans.

Original artwork by R.M.Woodland. Prints Available.

Lately I Have been feeling as if...

Nature is the functional system of energies within which Humans exist. Life is a form of energy. Magic can be seen as a system of navigating energies (such as Life) and negotiating creation or destruction within an inherent current of Balance. This fluid current of Balance governs itself within each functioning system (such as Nature or the Human body)

Attention is both a form and a functional component of Life energy. It is arguably a central and True commodity because along with Perception, it directly influences how reality is experienced. Often a person bases the choice of what to give Attention to on one's own Perception, in fact doing this is all but instinct. If a person can take control of Perception internally it may enable them to assert influence onto the commodity of Attention within or without, and in doing so, realign with an authentic experience of the journey to Selfhood and a more stable future for Humans.

The Trinities...

There are so many trinities within every system, every expression of energy. Maybe the Journey of an individual truly is of 3 parts: Journey within oneself, Journey of the without (affect) of oneself and the journey of a self within a system of all. Internal and external components seem to continually pursue Balance within their own systems and together as a larger system. Navigating the expressions of energy that are communicating to achieve Harmony can become easier with knowledge of all sorts. Many teachings carry within them the wisdom of trinities. 3 is the number of Balance.

Light and Dark must both exist and Life pours forth from where the two become 1.

“The trinity of nature is the lock of Magic, the trinity of man the key that fits it.” H.P. Blavatsky


We have come to a precipice, a general state of imbalance within our systems, on this planet and within ourselves. So much of what Humans are being encouraged to do and feel and think is based on an agenda to strip power from every part of Nature from the innermost self to the outermost reaches of our Solar System. Generally,this is done by destabilizing systems, instilling Fear and Doubt and then repackaging detrimental subterfuge of unhealthy patterns as the very structures robbed from systems to destabilize them; with a dollar as the highest held commodity and our Attention being fed into the mouths of the Beast of our Burdens. We must redirect our Attention to Life and Light if that is what we wish to see in our future. Abandon the modern day Cult of Death.

“Good spirits willingly lend their assistance to any worthy enterprise, but the evil spirits serve only those who live to pervert and destroy.” -Manly P. Hall

Find the Will...

“There is only one will and that is the Will of Fire, the will that doesn't let you give up” Masashi Kishimoto

“The inner fire is the most important thing mankind possesses.” Edith Södergran

Every soul is a burning flame, a borrowed piece of a larger fire. From once we came, and its parts are connected and their reservoir is deep. I believe, as others have before, that when an action is “right” there is access granted to this well. Within is resides The Will of Fire, an unimaginable ability to persevere beyond all negativity. Doubt and Fear will corrode and eventually shut down the Will of Fire. Once hidden, but attainable Truths will completely evade individuals to the detriment of entire systems. The workings of Nature, direction, purpose and progression will halt without the Will of Fire. When natural alignments and systems of energy are ignored or dismantled Schism occurs, negativity grows and Trauma may result therein. The Will of Fire exists within all and must be fed, cherished and utilized within the Balance. Only then will harmony and balance be possible for this planet and it's inhabitants.


I want to do my True Self the honor of listening, of binding my pursuits to that of Knowledge and to create a relationship with Knowledge in order to enhance every experience of my Journey. To learn for my Self, my Health and my Community. I would hence forth dedicate my cache of Attention to the Path of Life -however I am capable- within and without. To seek Harmony in order to grow and bring forth creation in support of Life. To find my Will of Fire and help it grow. I have heard the call and now know that it will not go unanswered.

The criers of the Mysteries speak again, bidding all men welcome to the House of Light. The great institution of materiality has failed. The false civilization built by man has turned, and like the monster of Frankenstein, is destroying its creator. Religion wanders aimlessly in the maze of theological speculation. Science batters itself impotently against the barriers of the unknown. Only transcendental philosophy knows the path. Only the illumined reason can carry the understanding part of man upward to the light. Only philosophy can teach man to be born well, to live well, to die well, and in perfect measure be born again. Into this band of the elect--those who have chosen the Life of knowledge, of virtue, and of utility--the philosophers of the ages invite YOU.”

-Manly P. Hall

And for this year (whenever you may celebrate its birth)...

I wish that as peoples of Earth we learn to celebrate the individual, to support each others Sovereignty and right to the Pursuit of Self-hood. To seek progress in all things and acknowledge the inherent Wisdom within the Great Energies. To cherish that which we are given. I wish to each person the freedom to pursue their Truth in order to build a more authentic world. To truly banish that which no longer serves us individually and as a whole. To spend the True commodities, like Attention, more wisely. I wish for Magic.

Original artwork by R.M.Woodland. Prints Available.

We can only escape from the world by outgrowing the world. Death may take man out of the world but only wisdom can take the world out of the man. As long as the Human being is obsessed by worldliness, he will suffer from the Karmic consequences of false allegiances. When however, worldliness is transmuted into Spiritual Integrity he is free, even though he still dwells physically among worldly things.”

-Manly P. Hall

Many little changes can bring about a Great Shift. Changing a Perception can be enough to start a new you. Try treating Attention as the highest currency and health like the noblest wealth! May a fierce and intentional Love find us all.
